Frequently Asked Questions

Is your question not listed below? Please contact us.

Entering Submission Requirements Entry Fees Eligibility Judging


Do I have to be a member of the ADCE to participate?

No. You do not have to be a member of the ADCE or any ADCE Local Club members to participate in the ADCE Student Awards.

Is there a limit to the number of students per team?

No, there is no limit to the number of students per team.

Can team members be from different colleges?

Yes, but only one school can be listed as the Primary Credit. Additional schools should be listed under "Secondary Credits". Primary and Secondary schools will split points in the Global College Rankings.

Can I enter more than one discipline?

Yes, Students can submit entries into more than one discipline.

When are winners announced?

Winners will be announced at the ADCE Awards Ceremony as part of ADCE Festival in Barcelona in November 2024.

What is the deadline for entries?

To view the deadline and other important dates, click here.

Can I edit or add credits after I have completed checkout and closed my entries?

Yes. Credits are not used for judging, and they can still be edited on closed entries.
NOTE: A Primary credit is required for all entries. Judging is anonymous, so the jury will not see this.

Can I edit my Entry Title after I have completed checkout and closed my entries?

No. You will not be able to edit your Entry Title on the entry details section for closed entries. If you need to make a change, please email Be sure to include the Entry ID number in your email.

Can I submit my judging media after I have completed checkout and closed my entries?

No. The entry system will not allow you to close your entries until you have added the required media.
NOTE: Judging and Supporting media cannot be edited on closed entries.

Can I delete my entries after I have completed checkout and closed them?

No, you will not be able to delete your entries once you have completed checkout and closed them.
NOTE: All entry fees are non-refundable and non-transferable. By submitting entries into the competition, entrants are committing to pay for all entry fees in full.

See more questions about submission requirements.


Submission Requirements

What media is accepted?

Each category accepts different media. Click here to view the categories and their submission media requirements.
Click here to view details on file specifications for different media types.

What information is needed to create an entry?

All entries require the following information on the project, regardless of category.

    General Project Information:
  • Entry Title: Give your entry a name. The jury will see this, it will be used to reference your entry, and it will show in the online Archives for winning work. (required)
  • School / University (required)
  • Entry Description: Describe your project in 475 characters or less; the jury will see this. (required)

Do I need to provide an English translation for my entry?

Yes. English translations are required for all work in another language.

  • Image and Audio Media: For entries in a language other than English, please provide an English translation in the "English Translation" field with your individual media.
  • Video Media: For video entries in a language other than English, please provide English subtitles in the video or a translation in the "English Translation" field with your individual media.
  • URL Media: For URL entries in a language other than English, use the "English Translation" field with your individual media to provide any necessary instructions in English.


Entry Fees

How much does it cost to enter?

There is a fee for each entry that you submit. These fees vary by student of ADCE Member countries or Non Member countries.
To view a summary of all fees, click here.

Is there a registration fee?

There is no registration fee to enter.

Are there additional fees if I win?

There are no additional fees for entries winning an ADCE Award.

Where do my entry fees go?

All entry fees help to fund the Art Directors Club of Europe's education and professional development intiatives.



If I graduated before June 2023, am I eligible?

Our entry requirements state that you must be a student or have graduated after the end of our 2023 Competition (November, 2023).

Is my entry eligible to be entered?

Click here to see if your entry meets the guidelines.

Are there any rules or regulations for submitting entries?

Yes. Click here to see the rules, regulations, and submission restrictions for entry.
NOTE: Not complying with the rules and regulations will result in your entries being disqualified from the competition.



How are entries being judged this year?

All work will be judged by our esteemed juries. First round judging will be done online. Work that has advanced past 1st Round will be judged in online as well, then advance into the 2nd and 3rd Rounds.

When does judging take place?

The first round of judging begins online 18th October. Final Rounds of online judging will be on the 4th and 6th November.

Who is on this year's jury?

The jury will be announced soon. See who has been on past juries here.

When are winners announced?

All winners will be notified by email after the Winners Gala in November. Notifications will be sent to the primary email address associated with your account. Please be sure to keep this information up to date.
NOTE: Notifications will be sent only to those selected as Winners.

What do I receive if I win?

Winners are awarded Gold or Shortlist Award, and one Youngstar winner.
NOTE: One complimentary trophy for Gold and Youngstar is awarded per win.


Art Directors Club of Europe

Disseny Hub Barcelona Building
Pl. de les Glòries 37-38
08018 Barcelona